Physics C AP

What Current Students Say...

We enjoy learning why things happen in a course helps us be prepared for college

Many students take APC if they are interested in physics or a related career, such as engineering, or they are seeking potential college credit

Some common challenges include: balancing time with other commitments (academic or extracurricular), the fast pace, and sometimes the math requirements

Advice to Future Students?

  • Manage your time so you aren’t overwhelmed.

  • Review unit materials before the unit.

What Else You Should Know...

Recommended concurrent enrollment in Calculus or higher.  This course relies on a solid foundation of Physics concepts and comfort with associated problem-solving skills, and will use Calculus-based problem solving

Class meets daily with alternating 90-minute and 45 minute blocks, often with Rams Block being the balance of the 45 minute block

Average students 2 hours or more of work outside of class per two days of block

Many students take AP C if they are interested in physics or a related career, such as engineering, or they are seeking potential college credit

Students will be prepared to take two AP tests associated with this course

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Have questions? Reach out to these teachers:

GCHS Physics II AP Team

Mr. Cahill,