
What Current Students Say...

The exploratory labs and experiments in each unit tend to be fun and engaging.

Many students take Chemistry to prepare for college

Some common challenges include: vocabulary/terms and balancing time with other commitments (academic or extracurricular)

Advice for Future Students?

  • Do the formatives and use the time you are given!  Don’t fall behind.

  • It can be a hard class, but it is not impossible if you are ready!

What Else You Should Know...

More than 75% of students report spending either less than 1 hour or up to 2 hours of work outside of class per two days of block

Students should have credit in Algebra.

Students benefit from strong Algebra skills, unit conversions and basic graphing skills - some students wait another year to develop their math skills

Summative Assessments include 1-hour traditional exams, labs, projects and presentations

Get a Sneak Peak...

You can see the scope and sequence for this course in the curriculum map, as well as samples from Unit 2: Nuclear Chemistry. Please note that any embedded links may not be functional.

Have questions? Reach out to these teachers:

GCHS Chemistry Team

Ms. Gallagher,

Mr. Hord,

Ms. Lichon,